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MELEK z Dachu

melek z dachu.jpg

ur.01.04.2006 - 12.09.2019
  O: Ch.Zw. Europy  AMOR vom Golf
  M: Ch. WEGA Wan -Hen

*** Inter Champion C.I.B 
*** Polish Champion , 
*** Croatia Champion
*** Lithuania Champion
*** WUT Championa
*** Polish Junior Champion , 
* 3 x JW, 2 x Best Junior, 
* 26 x CWC, 2 x CAC VDH, 2 x CAC, 2xCAC SLO
* 14 x NDPwR / BOS, DTK
* 15 x CACIB,
* 7 x R.CACIB, 
* 15 x BOB, 
* BOG IV, 3xBOG II, 3xBOG III, 2xBOG I, BOG Champion of Champion's 2009, *
* Club Winner PL' 09, '10, 
* Landessieger Thuringen 2011
* BIS II working dogs

Dyplom II stopnia - Konkurs Tropowców
Badania: HD-A, eyes clear, heart test: healthy

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